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Apr 8, 2014

Honeycreeper (Hawwai‘i‘Amakihi)

The Hawaiʻi ʻAmakihi (Hemignathus virens), also known as the Common ʻAmakihi, is a species of Hawaiian honeycreeper and is endemic to Hawaii. It is one of the most common honeycreepers, inhabiting all types of habitat on the islands at elevations from sea level to 8,000 feet

During the breeding season, between January to March, It makes a small nest made of woven plant fibers, and in most cases lays only a single egg. Only in rare cases does this bird lay two eggs. The chick(s) hatches after two weeks and out comes a baby that is naked except for a couple of yellow feathers. After two to three weeks, the chicks are fledged and then off to find a new territory of their own


Photographed in the wild, Mauna Kea, Hawaii

 Take a tour of Hawaii ~LINK~> the Rainforest & Dryforest

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