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Apr 8, 2014

Dove (Zebra)

Native to Southeast Asia, the zebra dove came to Hawaii from Australia in 1922 and it also referred to as a Barred Dove. The introduction of the zebra dove was probably because there was a market for game birds on the islands at that time. This bird is common throughout the Hawaiian Islands and Oahu is no exception. A person can see them when walking along Waikiki beach or exploring a garden. They are also a common visitor to food courts and in some areas, they are so comfortable around people they will fly up into one's hand and eat from it if a person holds still. They do love the lowland areas, so it is a bit unreasonable to expect to spot these small doves in the mountains, but they are equally common in both rural and urban areas of the island.


When nesting they will lay one or two eggs and have been known to nest up to five times a year. Courtship call is a throaty coo accompanied by head bowing and tail flaring. 

 Photographed in the wild, Big Island Hawaii

Did you know that this is one of 14 different doves on this site?

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