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Sep 23, 2011

Toucan (Green Aracari)

The smallest of the toucans, the green Aracari still possesses a large, vibrantly colored beak, which can reach up to four inches in length. The species is named for the green feathers covering its back, but males and females can be distinguished by different colors on the head and neck. Males have black feathers on the top, while female's crowns are reddish-brown.

In captivity, it is the most frequently bred Aracari and member of the toucan family and is the most popular as a tame hand fed pet. They require a large cage due to their active nature, and a high fruit diet. The cage also requires toys to prevent boredom. When all these requirements are met, the potential owner is rewarded with a loving companion bird for many years.

Photographed at Toronto Zoo, Toronto, ON

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