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Sep 22, 2011

Thick-knee (Double-striped)

Although their name gives no clue as to what kind of animal they are, "double-striped thick-knee" describes these birds rather well. They are large desert birds---about 18 inches long---with black stripes along the tops of their eyebrows, and thick "knee" joints. What looks like their knees mid-way up their legs are actually their heels! They have long legs and weak wings and so prefer running to flying. When threatened, they lower their heads and hit the sand running!

Double-striped thick-knees are active mainly at night (they are nocturnal), a strategy that allows them to avoid the heat of the day. During the day they crouch on the ground, depending on their brown plumage to help them blend into their stony desert habitat. At dusk, thick-knees become active.

Photographed at Toronto Zoo, Toronto, ON

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