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May 5, 2011

Pigeon (Green Imperial)

The Green Imperial Pigeon is a widespread resident breeding bird in tropical southern Asia from India east to Indonesia.

This is a forest species; it builds a stick nest in a tree and lays a single white egg. Its flight is fast and direct, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings which are characteristic of pigeons in general.

Green Imperial Pigeon is a large plump pigeon, 45 cm in length. Its back, wings and tail are metallic green. The head and under parts are white, apart from maroon under tail coverts. Sexes are similar.

This is an arboreal dove, feeding on plant material in the tree canopy. They are not very outgoing, but will form small flocks. The bird's call is deep and echoing, and is often the first indication of the presence of this treetop species.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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