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May 5, 2011

Dove (Jambu Fruit)

The Jambu Fruit Dove inhabits mangrove swamps and lowland rain forests in Asia. This Dove is a shy and inconspicuous bird, camouflaged against the forest canopy by its green plumage.
The adult male has a crimson face with a black chin, unmarked green upperparts and white under parts, with a pink patch on the breast and a chocolate brown under tail. The female differs from the male in that she has a dull purple face with a dark chin

The male holds a breeding territory, advertised by raising its wings, bobbing its body and cooing. It will defend its territory with a quick peck if the territorial display fails. The female builds a flimsy nest of twigs, roots and grasses, which are collected by her mate, in a tree and lays one or sometimes two white eggs which are incubated for about 20 days to hatching, with a further 12 or more days to fledging.

photographed at Discovery Cove Aviary in Orlando FL


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