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Mar 30, 2016

Coua (Crested)

This species is endemic to Madagascar where it is common in forests, savanna and bushland areas; from sea-level to altitude of 3,000 feet. Crested Couas build their own nests out of twigs, and incubate and raise their own clutch of two white-colored eggs. The nests are usually well hidden in trees or bushes. 

Couas are medium-sized about 17 inches in length. The plumage is mostly greenish-grey with a grey crest. Like all couas, they have blue bare skin patches around the eyes. The chest is rufous-colored, the abdomen is white, and the long purplish-blue tail feathers have white tips. The eyes are brown. The bill and legs are black.

Their diet consists mainly of various insects, fruits, berries, seeds, small reptiles, snails and chameleons

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL 2016

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