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Mar 9, 2015

BOOKS - field guides of West & East Indies

These books, or (field guides) helped me ID some of the birds in the Virgin Islands. I make it a habit to obtain at least one good guide to help with the varieties of some of many birds I come across considering some look so much alike. They also help with new birds that are not in any other areas (Endemic).
BIRDS of the Eastern Caribbean: (Peter Evans)
ISBN 978 0 333 52155 7 (2015)
This book is more of a general description book but misses some of the pictures for birds. Photos do not overly help with colour variations of different species. good for general bird watchers.
BIRDS of the West Indies: (Norman Arlott)
ISBN 978 0 691 14780 2 (2010)
This book is the best to be found and has good description but mostly easy to follow colour pictures. it shows colour of breeding, non-breeding, sexes, and in some cases wing colours like for hawks etc.

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