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Apr 8, 2014

Goose (Hawaiian Nene)

The Hawaiian State Bird since 1957

Hawaiian geese are found only in the Hawaiian Islands and are the only species of goose not occurring naturally in continental areas. They are among the most isolated, sedentary and threatened of all waterfowl and the rarest of all geese. It is the sixth most endangered waterfowl species worldwide. 


Believed to be a descendant of the Canadian goose that has adapted to the islands of Hawaii. The Nene have different feet from most waterfowl, they have reduced webbing and very strong toes with padding, an adaptation that allows it to swiftly travel through its rough terrain such as lava plains.

Photographed in the wild,
Mauna Loa hillside, Big Island Hawaii

Take a tour of Hawaii ~LINK~> the Rainforest & Dryforest


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