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Apr 2, 2012

Thrush (Red-tailed Laughing)

Found in south China, and also inhabits north-west Thailand.

A fairly large bird measuring 28 cm in length. The primaries and secondary on the wings and tail are bright red while the crown and nape have rufous colouring. The underside of the tail as well as the chin and throat are black, the under parts are often a tinged buff. The ear coverts are grey.

These birds build a cup shaped nest from plant material and grasses prior to mating. The nest is usually found in the dense undergrowth of a forest, preferably deep inside ravines. Mating generally occurs from the April to June period. The eggs are unlike those of any other Laughing Thrush; they resemble the eggs laid by the Oriole, pure white in colour spotted with reddish brown or black dots.

Photographed at Bird Kingdom, Niagara Falls, ON

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