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Mar 26, 2012

Jacana (Wattled)

The Wattled Jacana is a resident breeder through most of South America east of the Andes.
Huge feet and claws enable them to walk on floating vegetation in the shallow lakes that are their preferred habitat. They are found worldwide within the tropical zone.
They lay four black-marked brown eggs in a floating nest. The male, as with other jacanas takes responsibility for incubation, with two eggs held between each wing and the breast. The females are custom of having more than one mate at a time, and will help to defend the nests of up to four mates.

The adults have a chestnut back and wing coverts, with the body mainly black. In flight greenish yellow flight feathers are obvious. There is a long sharp spur on the bend of the wing. The yellow bill extends up as a red coot-like head shield and a reddish wattle. The legs and very long toes are dull blue-grey.
Young birds initially have entirely white under parts, and can always be identified by the presence of white in their plumage.
Photographed at Bird Kingdom, Niagara Falls, Ontario

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