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Mar 19, 2012

Dove (Diamond)

The Diamond Dove is a resident in Central, West and Northern Australia predominantly in areas near water. They have been spotted occasionally in Southern Australia in parks and gardens when the centre of Australia is very dry.

 They are one of Australia's smallest pigeons along with the Peaceful Dove. Diamond doves tend to be seen in pairs or small groups feeding off the ground. They feed off seed mostly from grasses. They will also eat ants.

The doves tend to breed after rain but mostly in spring in Southern Australia. nests are usually built from interwoven grasses and/or twig. They are of fragile construction. Two white eggs are usually laid and incubated for 13 to 14 days. Chicks are usually fully feathered and flying by two weeks.

Photographed at Bird Kingdom, Niagara Falls, Ontario

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