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NOW! Over 350 diffuerent birds! See the new Sandhill Crane colts

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Our trip to Discovery Cove & Orlando, FL2016 is now posted

and more to come (Click photos to enlarge)

Sep 29, 2011

Links I Enjoy and find Helpful

Their site has to be one of the best for IDing birds
Just click on Animal and view all the world wildlife!

Link to Toronto ZOO
Link to Animals and Birds at the zoo
If you can not find the birds you took pictures of...Just email Them, they are very helpful

Here is a Link For Outdoor Ontario

They have several albums from people in Ontario who have taken pictures of birds and wildlife.
It is also good for defining pictures of unknown critters

Here is the Link for Muskoka Bird Board

This site I have used to also identify various birds
Also lets me know when they migrate and some of there habits.

(photo sharing and testing board)
supported by Muskoka Bird Board

Here is the Link for Nature Photos Board

This is not as Active...but has some neat stuff. Barbara Taylor is the admin of this site. She does a great job

One of the best indoor avaires that I have seen. A true must for anyone who visits Niagara Falls in Canada.

Here is the Link for  Bird Kingdom

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