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May 3, 2011

Tern (Inca)

This uniquely-plumaged bird breeds on the coasts of Peru and Chile. It can be identified by its dark grey body, white moustache on the both sides of its head, and red-orange beak and feet.

In a simplecourtship ritual, the male Inca Tern engages in skillful aerial display to impress the female. He also pursues her in the air with gifts of fish until shefinally accepts him.

The Inca Tern pair chooses a nest site unlike most terns, whichtend to be on open ground. Instead, Inca Terns select sheltered nest sites.The birds often return to the same nest site years in a row.

The female lays one to three eggs, which the male and female incubate for three to four weeks. Youngchicks are then able to fly after 7 weeks.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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