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May 4, 2011

Stork (Hamerkop)

Hamerkop lives in Africa, south of Sahara and is a water bird. It is unmistakable with all-brown plumage, large “hammer-shaped” head, with heavy bill. Legs are blackish, with toes partially webbed. It has large wings and relatively short tail. Its plumage shows light and dark glossy, purplish streaks on wings and body. Both sexes are similar.
Hamerkop often stands still, hunched, or actively feeding, running near water, making jabbing movements. It often perches on the back of hippopotamuses, searching for frogs. Hamerkop stalks its preys by wading in shallow water, and striking forward with the bill. Then, it deposes the prey on the ground before to eat. It also probes into the mud, searching for invertebrates. Birds are active at dusk, and rest during the day.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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