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May 4, 2011

Stork (Abdim's)

The name commemorates the Turkish Governor of Wadi Halfa in Sudan Bey El-Arnaut Abdim (1780–1827).The Abdim's Stork, also known as White-bellied Stork, is a black stork with grey legs, red knees and feet, grey bill and white under parts. It has red facial skin in front of eye and blue skin near the bill in breeding season. It is the smallest species of stork, at 29 in and a weight of just over 2.2 lbs. The female lays two to three eggs and is slightly smaller than male.

The Abdim's Stork is distributed to open habitats throughout Eastern Africa, from Ethiopia south to South Africa. Its diet consists mainly of locusts, caterpillars and other large insects.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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