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May 10, 2011

Penguin (King)

King penguins breed on seven sub-Antarctic island groups with large populations. King penguin have a silvery-grey back with a blackish-brown head decorated with striking ear patches of bright golden-orange feathers.

King penguins feed by deep water pursuit-diving, using their flippers to propel themselves to depths of several hundred feet. Dives may last 15 minutes or more.

A King penguin’s diet includes small fish and squid, krill, and plankton. At sea, the key predators are the Leopard seals and Killer whales who wait beneath the surface near the shore for unsuspecting birds.

King eggs are laid anytime from November through April. From courtship to hatching of the eggs to the fledging of the chick it may take 14 months or more. King penguins' eggs are incubated on the adults' feet and not in nests.

Photographed at Sea World, Orlando, FL

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