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May 14, 2011

Parakeet (Bourke's)

Wild type (natural coloured) Bourke's Parakeet displays a pink abdomen, pinkish breast & a blue rump. The legs are dark-brown and the bill is yellowish-brown. The adult male has a blue forehead while the adult female has a little or no blue on the forehead.

The Bourke's Parrot has a clutch of 3 to 6 eggs, which are incubated by the female for 18–19 days, with the chicks fledging at about 4 weeks of age. The female also feeds and tends to the chicks by herself. While the female is incubating the eggs, and feeding the chicks in the nest, she is fed by the male

The Bourke's Parakeets are endangered in their own homeland of Southwestern and Central Australia, but are popular in aviculture. The Bourke's parrot has recently been removed from the Neophema genus and placed in a genus of its own.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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