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May 6, 2011

Magpie (Black-billed)

A common and very conspicuous bird This Magpie is a bird in the crow family that inhabits the western half of North America. The Black-billed Magpie is found in urban as well as rural areas. Its bold black-and-white pattern and long tail make it easy to identify

The adult magpie pairs stay together year-round and usually for life unless one dies, in which case the remaining magpie finds another mate. The Magpie makes a very large nest that can take up to 40 days to construct.

The female lays up to thirteen eggs, but the usual clutch size is six or seven. The eggs are greenish grey, marked with browns, and 1.3 inch long. Only the female incubates, for 16–21 days. The male feeds the female throughout incubation.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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