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May 14, 2011

Go-Away-Bird (White-bellied)

This species averages 20 inches in length. Its long, pointed grey and black tail with a white median band is distinctive. A white wing patch is conspicuous in flight. The bill is black in male, pea-green in the female.

Their voice consists of one or two syllable barks with some longer wailing notes. Their call consists of a loud and nasal "gwaa." When they are calling, it is almost as if they are saying "go-wayeer" hence the name of the Go-Away bird.

Go-Away birds  are often seen single, or in pairs. When spotted they are usually perched on a tree branch noisily telling others to "go away." Their call is very helpful to prey animals because they will start calling loudly when a predator such as a leopard enters it's territory.
Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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