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Jan 31, 2010

Warbler (Blackburnian)

A bird of the coniferous forests of the Northeast parts of North America. The Blackburnian Warbler is breathtaking in its brilliant orange-and-black breeding plumage. No other North American warbler has an orange throat.

The Blackburnian Warbler is territorial on its breeding grounds and solitary in the winter. It forms flocks only during migration.

Although the Blackburnian Warbler does not associate with other birds while it is nesting, it will join foraging flocks of chickadees, kinglets, and nuthatches after the young fledge. The warbler will follow the mixed flock with its begging young. The begging of the warbler chicks can even attract chickadees.

Photographed in the wild, Gravenhurst, ON

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