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Apr 5, 2015

Conure (Brown-throated) or ST Thomas Parrot

Brown-throated Parakeets or St. Thomas Conure - are endemic to northern South America, but introduced to the U.S. Virgin Islands by being brought from Curacao to St. Thomas. Their natural habitats include subtropical or tropical dry forests, moist lowland forests, and dry shrub land. Their average life is 10 years in the wild and can live up to 25 years in captivity.

They are known for being sociable and both the male and female can talk. They are found in pairs or groups in the wild and don’t like to be alone.  The Brown-throated Conure usually will nest in a termite mound in a tree but will also use rock crevices and burrows in banks. This species was introduced to the Virgin Islands

Photographed in the wild, St Thomas USVI (2015)

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