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May 14, 2011

Turaco (Lady Ross)

This is a medium-sized bird, with a long tail and broad, round wings. They have three toes on each foot that point forward, while the fourth toe can be rotated forward or backwards. Males and females differ in that females may have a greenish beak.

Both the male and female share time incubating their clutch and also feed the downy chicks by regurgitation. They keep the nest clean by eating the eggshells and the chick's droppings. The chicks will not develop the full adult coloration until about one year.

They are so abundant in Africa that they are considered a pest. Their feeding habits are very destructive, which annoys most gardeners. However, they aid in seed dispersal by messily eating fruit. They also eat berries that are considered highly poisonous to humans.

Photographed at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL

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