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May 10, 2011

Penguin (Gentoo)

This penguin is easily recognized by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head. Chicks have grey backs with white fronts. Adult Gentoos reach a height of 20–36 in.

Gentoos feed on Rock cod, Lantern fish, crustaceans (krill), amphipods and cephalopods (mainly squid). They typically forage at sea close to the colony, and thus their chicks are fed frequently.

Females tend to eat more krill than the males, while the males tend to eat more fish. Gentoo penguins are gregarious at sea, meaning they will form 'rafts' of hundreds of individuals to aid in catching prey. Most prey is caught on shallow pursuit dives lasting only half a minute, although they can dive to at least 330 feet.

Photographed at Sea World, Orlando, FL

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