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Apr 28, 2011

Macaw (Hyacinth)

The Hyacinth Macaw is the largest of the Macaws.  They can grow to 40 inches in length with a wingspan of 60 inches. They have an black beak with yellow streaks on the bottom mandible.  Their beak is known to be the most powerful beak of all birds and it has the power to crack coconuts. 

Native to Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, in forested areas in flooded grasslands but is on the Endangered Species list. 
In the wild they live in pairs, or flocks of 10 to 30 and eat a variety of fruits, nuts and seeds, flowers, leaves, and stems of plants. 

When adult macaws choose mates, they generally bond for life. The breeding begins around age of seven and breed once a year. They lay one or two eggs, which hatch after 29 days and are independent after six months.  They are extremely gentle. 
Photographed at Disney's Animal Kingdom, Orlando, FL

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