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Mar 30, 2016

Gnatcatcher (Blue-gray)


Pronounced as “Nat-catcher” the tiny, long-tailed bird of deciduous forests and scrublands, the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, resides in southern Ontario, the eastern and south western United States and Mexico.

Adults are blue-grey on the upper parts with white under parts, with a long slender bill and a long black tail. They also have a white eye ring.

They build a cup nest similar in construction to a hummingbird nest made of spider webbing or caterpillar silk, covered with lichens or bark flakes. Lined with grass stems, bark strips, plant down, hair, feathers, or other fine fibers. Placed far out from trunk on tree limbs.. Both parents construct the nest and feed the young; they may raise two broods in a season. (Naples, FL) (Kissimmee, FL)

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